There’s no reason you should be lost in the sauce. Add some flavor to your Sunday and to your social media presence with my weekly newsletter. For $12/month, it’s jam-packed with the ins and outs of social media, creative and content strategy, and influencer marketing. Whether you need the ingredients or the recipe, Sunday Social Sauce will have your social media seasoned to perfection. Okay, no more puns, I promise.

*Yells into microphone* We're back!!...
*Yells into microphone* We're back!! If you're a returning subscriber, welcome back family. If you're new here, you're in for some fun.

In case you needed even more of an excuse to subscribe:

I'm jam-packing it all in!...
I'm jam-packing it all in! And once a week, at that. We're gonna spend so much time together, omg.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in social media, digital marketing, and branding.

  • Get exclusive access to expert insights from a seasoned creative strategist with years of experience in the industry (it me, Skylar).

  • Discover inspiring examples of great content and campaigns from a variety of brands and businesses, along with insights into what makes them so effective.

  • Learn the ins and outs of influencer marketing, from finding the right influencers for your brand to building strong, mutually beneficial relationships.

  • Stay on top of the constantly evolving world of social media, with tips on how to adapt to new platforms, algorithms, and trends.

  • Access exclusive 1:1 and/or group sessions with Skylar and fellow marketers, creatives, and entrepreneurs who are all working to level up their social media game.

If a man does not have sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can get lost in the sauce.
— A Wise Prophet (Gucci Mane)
Beyoncé was onto something...
Beyoncé was onto something when she said she had hot sauce in her bag. You're about to have the sauce, and be deeep in your bag.